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Why Should I Get Vaccinated Before Travelling Abroad?

travel vaccines near me in Northampton

If you intend to travel outside the United Kingdom, you may need vaccinations against some of the most serious diseases there are. Vaccines offer protection against a number of preventable infections, including hepatitis A, typhoid, and yellow fever. Where can I get travel vaccines near me in Northampton? Keep reading to find out.

The vaccine schedule recommended by the NHS safeguards you from a number of ailments in the UK, but it does not prevent you from all communicable diseases that are widespread abroad.

When should I go for travel vaccines near me?

If at all possible, speak with your pharmacist 8 weeks before your trip. Some vaccinations need to be given beforehand so that your body can develop immunity. Additionally, some immunisations require many doses given over the course of several weeks or months.

You might be more vulnerable if you engage in certain activities, such as:

– Travelling to remote areas
– Backpacking
– Camping or hostel lodging
– Exploring different places rather than arranging a package holiday

If you have a medical condition, you may be more vulnerable to infection or problems from a travel-related sickness.

travel vaccines near me in Northampton

Which travel vaccines do I need?

You can learn more about the vaccinations required or advised for the places you’ll be travelling by visiting the websites listed below:

Travel Health Pro
NHS Fit for Travel

Certain countries require an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) to be filled out and submitted as proof of vaccination (for example, against yellow fever or polio) prior to entry or departure. A country like Thailand requires that you get vaccinated before entering the country. Learn more about the vaccines you need for Thailand in our previous blog post here:

Thailand Vaccines

Visitors and pilgrims performing the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages in Saudi Arabia must provide documentation of their vaccination against certain meningitis strains. Even if an ICVP is not necessary, it is nevertheless advisable to keep a record of the immunisations you have received.

Can I get travel vaccines near me in Northampton at a pharmacy?

Start by contacting, visiting, or checking in with your pharmacist, doctor, or practice nurse to determine if your current UK vaccinations are updated.

If you have records, let the pharmacist know about your previous vaccinations.

We will be able to provide you with general travel vaccines and health information, such as how to avoid malaria. If you require additional doses of your UK vaccinations, they can provide them.

Not all travel vaccines are available for free through the NHS, despite the fact that they may be advised for a particular region. If your pharmacy or GP office is licensed to provide these services, you can get free travel vaccines.

Your pharmacist or doctor may charge you for non-NHS travel vaccinations. If they can administer the required travel immunisations but not via the NHS, ask for the following:

– Written information about the required vaccinations
– The price for each dose or course
– Any additional expenses you may incur, such as those related to any required vaccination certificates

travel vaccines near me in Northampton

How long do travel vaccinations last?

Depending on the vaccine, travel vaccinations have varying periods of immunity. Some travel vaccines, such as those for diphtheria, hepatitis A and B, tetanus, and polio, have a shelf life of ten years or more. The yellow fever vaccination is expected to be effective for life.

Which travel vaccines near me are free?

If your doctor is approved to provide NHS immunisation services, you can get the following travel vaccines for free through the NHS.

– Polio (given as a diphtheria, tetanus, and polio vaccine)
– Typhoid
– Cholera
– Hepatitis A

These vaccines are offered free of charge because they protect against illnesses that, if brought to the UK, would seriously harm the general public’s health.

Other factors to consider before travelling

When it comes to travel vaccines, there are a few factors to take into account:

– Your age and overall health – you can be more susceptible to diseases than other people are, and some vaccines are not recommended for persons with particular medical conditions.
– You incur the risk of catching more infections if you work in the aid and relief sector, such as at a refugee camp or help after a natural disaster.
– A doctor, nurse, or other healthcare provider might require additional vaccinations.
– Animal contact – You may be more susceptible to diseases spread by animals, such as rabies.

Make sure you are up to date on the essential vaccinations provided by the NHS.


Book your appointment with Croyland Pharmacy today to get travel vaccines near you in Northampton.

Travel Health Checklist


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This blog post was written on behalf of Croyland Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.