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Japanese Encephalitis

Get the Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire before you travel


It is important to get the Japanese encephalitis vaccine in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire before you travel. This an infection transmitted by mosquitoes and is potentially severe. It’s reported in large parts of the Pacific rim and Asia.


The mosquitoes can transmit Japanese encephalitis predominantly at night, from dusk to dawn, and are prolific in rural areas. Mostly in places where pig farming and rice cultivation are common. Nevertheless, they have also been reported in urban areas.


The risk for a huge number of those travelling to Asia is very minimal. Especially for those travellers with short-term visits to urban areas. The general incidence of JE in people from non-affected regions travelling to Asia is approximately less than a case per a million travellers. The risk depends on the basis of destination, activities, duration, and season.


It increases for people who plan to live or travel in risk areas for lengthy periods and have rural trips during transmission seasons. Particular activities, even on short trips, where there is notable rural, outdoor or nighttime exposure such as camping or fieldwork, can increase the traveller’s risk.


Many of the human infections with the Japanese encephalitis virus don’t show any symptoms. In case the symptoms occur, they include confusion, fever, and headache. In symptomatic cases that need hospitalisation, fatality rates are high and neurological complications are usual.


japanese encephalitis vaccine wellingborough


How to prevent yourself from Japanese encephalitis


You can reduce the risk of getting JE can by avoiding insect bites, especially between dusk and dawn, when Culex mosquitoes are more active.


The Japanese encephalitis vaccine


A licensed JE vaccine, IXIARO®, is available. It’s recommended to people who intend to stay for a long time in rural areas where JE is reported during the main transmission season. It’s also for those whose intended activities increase their risk. It’s advisable to take the vaccination from the age of 2 months onwards.


Accelerated schedule


The marketing authority for IXIARO® Japanese encephalitis vaccine changed in August 2015 to include an accelerated schedule. Adults 18-65 can be vaccinated as follows: first dose at day 0, second dose, seven days after the first dose.


Contact us today to find out more about the Japanese Encephalitis (Ixiaro) vaccine in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire.


Book Your Vaccine Below

Download and complete the travel vaccine consultation form: PATIENT CONSULTATION FORM

You will need to bring this to your appointment