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Hepatitis B

Get the Hepatitis B vaccine in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire before you travel


It’s important to get the Hepatitis B vaccine in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire before you travel. Hepatitis B is a viral infection of the liver. It’s transmitted by directly coming in contact with the body fluids such as the blood of an infected person. It affects people worldwide with the high rates in areas of Sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia. High infection rates have also been noted in the southern parts of Eastern and Central Europe, Amazon,  the Indian subcontinent, and the Middle East. The infection rates in Western Europe and North America are minimal.


The risk for travellers is minimal even though certain activities or behaviours expose individuals to the infection more. This is particularly when it occurs in regions where hepatitis B is frequently reported.


These behaviours and activities are listed below:

– Unprotected sex

– Exposure to blood or blood products through occupation, like healthcare work

– Subjection to contaminated needles through injecting drugs or because of accessing medical or dental needles

– Participating in contact sports

– Adopting children from risk regions

– Long stay travel


Symptoms of Hepatitis B


In most cases of hepatitis B, symptoms do not show. They mostly appear in adults than children and may include: abdominal pain, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), fever, and loss of appetite. Hepatitis B infection that’s persistent develops in 80 to 90 percent of those infected in the first year of life. Of this, only five percent are infected in adult years. Persistent infection can cause liver cancer or liver failure.


It's important to get the Hepatitis B vaccine Wellingborough, Northamptonshire


How to prevent Hepatitis B


If you are travelling, you should avoid contact with bodily fluids and blood by:

– Abstaining from unprotected sexual intercourse.

– Using recommended protective precautions if contact is unavoidable

– Avoiding piercing, acupuncture, and tattooing (unless sterile equipment is used)

– Not sharing injection equipment such as needles.

– Avoiding sharing shaving equipment


Anyone travelling can require emergency treatment or be at risk of an accident. You should always be aware that using precautions will significantly help in protecting you against other blood and body fluid-borne viruses. Other viruses include HIV and hepatitis C – which currently don’t have vaccines. A sterile medical equipment kit may help when travelling to areas with poor resources.


Hepatitis B vaccine


We have many inactivated hepatitis B vaccines, among them combined hepatitis A/B products. Travellers considered at risk are advised to take the vaccination. The initial hepatitis B vaccination schedule involves three injections administered over various time scales depending on their urgency.


Public Health England advises that travellers who have completed hepatitis B vaccine courses do not require a single booster dose of vaccine at five years.  This is unless they are considered to be at continuing risk of infection.


Contact us today to find out more about the Hepatitis B vaccine in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire.


Book Your Vaccine Below

Download and complete the travel vaccine consultation form: PATIENT CONSULTATION FORM

You will need to bring this to your appointment