Travel Vaccines

Antimalarials Available At Croyland Pharmacy

antimalarials in Northampton

If you’re planning to travel to tropical parts of the world, taking antimalarials could be the difference in keeping yourself safe from malaria. Malaria is a disease spread by mosquitoes, and without protection, it can have severe consequences. It’s one of the last things you want to deal with when you’re supposed to be having Antimalarials Available At Croyland Pharmacy

Why You Need A Rabies Vaccine Before You Travel

travel to Africa vaccines in Northampton

Rabies is a serious viral infection that affects the brain and nerves. It’s almost always fatal once symptoms appear so prevention is important before you travel. The virus is usually transmitted through the bite or scratch of an infected animal, most commonly a dog. While rabies is rare in the UK, it’s found in many Why You Need A Rabies Vaccine Before You Travel

What Vaccines Do I Need To Travel?

travel vaccines near me in Northampton

If you’re travelling abroad, and especially visiting a new country, you need to make sure your vaccines are up to date. Even if you think you’re covered you should book an appointment with our travel vaccine pharmacists to check everything is up to date before you travel. We’ll also advise you if you need to What Vaccines Do I Need To Travel?

Travel Vaccines & Advice in Wellingborough

Travel Vaccines Wellingborough & Northamptonshire

New Year, New You and more importantly new travel plans! There’s nothing that will banish the January blues like knowing you’ve got an amazing holiday coming up. Whether you’re heading to sun-soaked beaches, bustling cities, or remote landscapes, you can’t escape the planning hat comes with it. From insurance, to the outfits you’ll wear there’s Travel Vaccines & Advice in Wellingborough