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Do you need the Hep A or Hep B Vaccine?

When you travel making sure you have the right travel vaccines is just as important as making sure you have your passport. Travel vaccinations not only help to keep you well, in some cases proof of vaccination is required for entry.

If your destination has a risk of hepatitis A or B, making sure you’re vaccinated should be at the top of your to-do list. Our travel clinic in Wellingborough offers convenient and comprehensive services, including the Hep A and Hep B vaccines, to help keep you safe while travelling.

What Are Hepatitis A and B?

Hepatitis A and B are both viral infections that affect the liver but are caused by different viruses. They can lead to serious health complications, especially if left untreated.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is typically spread through contaminated food or water or close contact with an infected person. It’s more common in areas where sanitation might be a concern. It’s most commonly needed if you’re traveling to places like Central and South America, Africa, Asia, and parts of Eastern Europe.

If you believe you’ve been exposed to the Hepatitis A infection, there are some symptoms to watch for:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dark urine

In most cases, Hepatitis A doesn’t cause long-term liver damage, but the symptoms can last for several weeks and may disrupt your holiday. so it’s best to avoid it by getting the vaccination before you travel.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a more serious infection that can become chronic and lead to liver failure, cirrhosis, or even liver cancer. It’s spread through bodily fluids, such as blood, semen, and saliva, so it’s often contracted through sexual contact, sharing needles, or non-sterile medical or dental procedures. If you’re travelling to Africa, Asia, the Middle East, or certain parts of Eastern Europe and South America, it’s recommended that you get the vaccine before you travel.

Similarly to Hepatitis A symptoms to watch for include:

  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Dark urine
  • Yellowing of the skin (jaundice)
  • Fatigue

However, unlike Hepatitis A, Hep B can remain in the body for life and cause ongoing liver issues so it’s essential that you’re protected before you travel.

Hepatitis B Vaccine Wellingborough, Northamptonshire

When Should You Get the Hep A or Hep B Vaccine?

The best way to protect yourself is through vaccination. Both Hep A and Hep B vaccines are recommended for travellers visiting countries where these infections are more common.

It’s essential to check travel advice before heading off to these regions. If your trip includes multiple destinations, you might need both vaccines. If you’re unsure, our team at the travel clinic can discuss your vaccine options taking into account your travel plans and past medical history to make sure you’re covered.

Do You Need the Vaccine for Entry?

While some countries don’t require proof of Hep A or B vaccination for entry, it’s highly recommended to get vaccinated if you’re travelling to high-risk areas. Being vaccinated can prevent a holiday nightmare and safeguard your health, so even if you don’t need it to enter the country, it’s worth having the protection.

How Do the Vaccines Work?

The vaccines for Hep A and Hep B work by introducing a small, inactive part of the virus to your immune system. This prompts your body to produce antibodies, so if you encounter the real virus, your body can fight it off effectively.

How are the vaccines administered?

The Hep A vaccine is given as an injection, typically in two doses. You’ll receive the second dose 6 to 12 months after the first. This schedule provides long-term protection, often lasting over 20 years.

The Hep B vaccine is administered in three doses over a six-month period. The second dose is usually given one month after the first, with the third dose following five months later. There’s also an accelerated schedule for those who need protection quickly, with doses given over a shorter timeframe to make sure you’re protected.

Who Can Get the Hep A and Hep B Vaccines?

Most people can safely receive these vaccines, including children and adults. If you have a weakened immune system or are pregnant, it’s best to discuss this with our team at our Wellingborough clinic. We’ll discuss your current situation, your travel timeframe and put together a recommended vaccine plan and schedule for you. We’re here if you have any questions about either vaccine. how they work and if you need them.

Visit Croyland Pharmacy & Travel Clinic

If you’re based in Wellingborough or the surrounding areas, our travel clinic makes getting vaccinated easy and hassle-free. We offer expert advice tailored to your destination and vaccination history. Booking your appointment with us means you can stay ahead of your travel plans without the stress.

Our prices for Hepatitis A vaccines start from £50 per dose for adults and £45 per dose for children. For Hepatitis B adult doses start from £50 and paediatric vaccinations from £45 per dose. You can see our full vaccination price list here.

It’s quick and easy to book an appointment online, you can choose a timeslot that works for you and be done before you know it. We’ll put together a tailored vaccine scheduled based on your travel itinerary so you’ve got peace of mind for your holiday.

If you are travelling to a high risk areas it’s important that you protect yourself and your family from hepatitis A and B. The vaccination is a simple and effective and the cover lasts for a long time, they’ll keep you and your family safe no matter how much you travel.
Ready to book your appointment? Contact us now and get peace of mind for your next adventure and visit our travel clinic in Wellingborough today to get your Hep A and Hep B vaccines.